heart art for two tens



In Memory of Mason.
Deep gratitude to those who came out to support the Art Show and Sale last week at the Center Cafe in Orangeville. If you didn’t get a chance to come out – stay tuned for our November date –  when we will once again showcase some of the most unique and beautiful art pieces in Dufferin County.
Why an art show and sale for neurodivergent artists in our community? What sets this event apart form any other art/craft sale we have in town?
Great questions.  Well, this art show and sale features artists who have a brain difference. It might be a genetic or acquired brain difference. Often, people who have different functioning brains can be highly creative! People with different functioning brains can also be passed over for more typical jobs, not have the support they need to chase their dreams or often are ignored because a cognitive issue is assumed and becasue competence is not always assumed.
People with brain differences and disabilities don’t get the same opportunities as other people. THAT’S why the art show and sale is important. Our event is designed to take place in a supportive environment that is available to all. Enter our community partners (shout out to Barb!) at the Center Cafe who generously donate the space so that this event can be free (no table or sign up fees) for neurodiverse vendors. The space is accessible with ramps, proper doors and washrooms for all bodies to access. Further we have both paid and volunteer staff to support everyone in the room regardless of processing style. Finally, artists make 100% of their profits, as it should be for people who are on fixed incomes and have restraints on their earning potentials. We have a variety of ways (cash, debit, credit) to ring in sales so the event is highly accessible to the community as well.
This is not “just an art show” – it’s social justice.
It’s equity. It’s accessibility. It’s inclusion. It’s community belonging.
You won’t want to miss the magic next time ’round. See you there.