BOSS Tools
Here you will find a list of items that the BOSS team suggests to aid in accessibility and for support.
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Black Latex Gloves
Using black latex gloves keeps things respectful and discreet. A very handy item for caregivers to always have nearby.
TEAL double handled mug
Support motor skills, hand tremors or need for more stability while drinking.
WHITE double handled mug
Support motor skills, hand tremors or need for more stability while drinking.
Support motor skills, hand tremors or need for more stability while drinking
For people who need comprehensive relief from sound due to sensory defensiveness
For a disposable lower lever protection from noise overwhelm
To assist with magnification
To assist with vision barriers
MATTE Laminating Sheets
Supports a no-glare reading experience for those who have sight or sensory needs
LARGE PRINT playing cards
To support visual needs
LARGE PRINT color by number
Adult designs with more visual support
ADULT wipes
Great for travelling, discrete and adult oriented for respect and dignity
Reach Grabber
To extend reach, gripping strength, helps with getting things from different levels with less bending, helpful for people who get dizzy when bending over as well.
Sock and Pant Support
To allow for more independent dressing and self care
Adult Fidget Cube
Discrete and adult design if needed for anxiety reduction, focus and sensory support
Universal Handle
Added grip, control and security on every day items
Walking Cane with Fold Down seat
For more support while waiting in line, at outdoor or indoor events without enough seating, stability while maneuvering the body
Shoe Horn Stick
To support independent dressing
Bluelight glasses
To support glare, eye fatigue and sensory support
Fidget Spinner rings
Adult designs for focus, anxiety reduction, sensory support
Adult Sensory Necklaces
For anxiety reduction, focus and sensory needs; Silicone is safe to be in or around the mouth and can be cleaned in the dishwasher or with hot water.
Rocker Knife
To support independent eating with fine and gross motor support
Kinetic sand for Adults
Sensory support
Adult Visual Sensory Support
Alexa Echo SHOW
Has a visual screen, is voice activated and can be set up with alarms, phone numbers, smart house features