Theory of Change: The BOSS Model Over the course of fall 2023 the Branching Out Leadership team dug into where the last 4 years have brought us and how we want/need to see the future shaping up for those with…
For the LOVE of Community
For the LOVE of community Love isn’t a word we use in professional work spaces often. I remember my surprise and delight when one of our esteemed community partners, Family Transition Place used this word and concept as one of…
Branching Out Support Services Unveils Groundbreaking Mental Health Platform
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Branching Out Support Services Unveils Groundbreaking Mental Health Platform Orangeville, Ontario. February 12, 2024 — Branching Out Support Services (BOSS), a grass roots social enterprise offering services for adults with neurodiversities, is proud to announce the official…
Walk The Walk
Walk the Walk As we gear up with our fundraising and awareness for the Orangeville Foodbank’s annual “Coldest Night of the Year” fundraiser it’s got us thinking about walking(LINK FOR FUNDRAISER??). There’s a good reason why we raise money and…
The Expert Talk: What Trauma Informed Leaders Know
What trauma-informed leaders know: practice makes permanent, not perfect a blog post by Kimberly Van Ryn I know, I know… there’s a lot to unpack here because you’ve been told your whole life if you just need to practice more,…
On December 1, 2019 we opened the front door to Branching Out Support Services and said: “Come on in!” and we are so thankful we did. These last 4 years have been a true adventure with our community. There have…
December Architect Schedule 2023
This blog post was created by Tabi and participants of the Architect crew :)…..enjoy! There is so much excitement in the air as we plan into December, I have tried to capture some of the excitement below. “I am hoping you are…
See you on the Dance Floor
BLOG POST BY Kimberly Van Ryn The picture is a slide that we use at every workshop we do about neuro diversity. A lot of people are surprised when we explain this concept through explaining the parties and dances we…
The Expert Talk: Recognizing dysregulation in the workplace
Recognizing dysregulation in the workplace, and understanding how to support them a blog post by Kimberly Van Ryn I hope you had some regulated moments this week and did some exploring into your nervous system. Did you notice your own…
Partial Face Blindness
by Jeff Baker I am what you call a “late in life diagnosed” autistic person. I wasn’t diagnosed until I was in my early 30’s after my kids received their own diagnoses. Don’t get me wrong, my diagnosis makes sense.…