BLOG POST BY Kimberly Van Ryn The picture is a slide that we use at every workshop we do about neuro diversity. A lot of people are surprised when we explain this concept through explaining the parties and dances we…
The Expert Talk: Recognizing dysregulation in the workplace
Recognizing dysregulation in the workplace, and understanding how to support them a blog post by Kimberly Van Ryn I hope you had some regulated moments this week and did some exploring into your nervous system. Did you notice your own…
Partial Face Blindness
by Jeff Baker I am what you call a “late in life diagnosed” autistic person. I wasn’t diagnosed until I was in my early 30’s after my kids received their own diagnoses. Don’t get me wrong, my diagnosis makes sense.…
The Expert Talk: Trauma-Informed Leadership – How to make your team feel safe and supported
Trauma-Informed Leadership – How to make your team feel safe and supported by Kimberly Van Ryn as featured on The Expert Talk As we head towards closing out 2023 in a few short months it is no secret that the…
Why We Volunteer
Good afternoon, We sat down as a group and started talking about the Foodbank and ways we volunteer there. Nicole quickly realized we all volunteer in different ways. She notes that she isn’t here at BOSS Wednesdays when the crew goes to…
Using Animation to Educate on Autism Advocacy
Being autistic means my life is full of unique experiences. Not, like, good experiences, necessarily, although there have been plenty of those, but truly unique and surreal experiences. One such experience that I have had more often than you would…
The Expert Talk: How small adjustments can make massive & inclusive differences at work
How small adjustments can make massive & inclusive differences at work by Kimberly Van Ryn as featured on The Expert Talk We got the email one dreary winter afternoon: “Can you come educate our restaurant staff in how to be…
The Expert Talk: How Unmasking Helps Neurodivergent Employees to Work Better
by Kimberly Van Ryn as featured on The Expert Talk Masking at work; it’s a big concept to unpack, but if we start with the definition and energy of the word “masking” we might be able to travel quickly to…
Why B Corp?
In the spring of 2023, after a long application process, Branching Out was selected to receive an Investment Readiness Program funding stream that is allowing us to work on some infrastructure projects to strengthen our position in the social impact…
In The Media: Orangeville Horticultural Society
June 1, 2023 By Sam Odrowski A not-for-profit organization and a social enterprise are teaming up to teach people with disabilities how to grow food from the comfort of their homes. The Orangeville Horticultural Society is partnering with Branching Out…